This summer, we have focused on the Lord’s Prayer and its application to our campers' lives. Reflect on the line, “Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven,” and Aldersgate’s mission to be “a sacred space, empowering all in faith and friendship to change the world.” After living in community this summer, how do you plan to embody and enact these principles in your life going forward?

A Home Away from Home

Camp Aldersgate has impacted in my life in a lot of ways, it’s one of my favorite places on earth, when I came for the first time I didn’t imagined how many things I was gonna learn about myself and others, this year feels different in a lot of ways but I still love this camp, this community and all of the wonderful things and people that are here. My piece is call a home away from home because that is what camp Aldersgate is for me, it’s the place where I have a lot of fun, a lot of laughs and very good memories but also is a place where I face challenges, where I grow as a counselor and as a person, where I get the privilege to meet people from all over the world that I can call family but also I have the privilege to meet campers that are here to be who they wanna be, campers with different stories and different backgrounds and still call camp Aldersgate their home, this kids are here to have fun and it’s so amazing how they also can grown in just one week, how they get to hang around with kids that are strangers and become friends that are there forever, it’s not just them that learn from me but it’s also me who learn from all of them and I really love it! When this summer ends I’ll keep every single memory in my heart and all of the learning I made along this summer, because camp Aldersgate has taught me how I can change the world by being the best version of myself, my world and others just by being here and being part of this community and I’m thankful for being part of this community and how this place became my home away from home