A sacred space, empowering all,
in faith and friendship to change the world
News from Aldersgate
We are working hard to reconnect former campers, staff, volunteers, and families to Aldersgate. Please follow our social media accounts to see what is going on at camp! If you send us your updated mailing address, we will make sure you receive physical updates as well.
Click this icon to follow our official Camp Aldersgate Facebook page. This is where we post updates about camp, current summer camp photos, and let you know what is going on at Aldersgate.
Click this icon to follow our Instagram page. Instagram is a great place to get a "snapshot" of camp through photos of campers, events, and beautiful sunsets over Lake Aldersgate!
Click this icon to follow our YouTube account. Subscribe to be notified every time we post videos created by our camp staff. Recent content includes Virtual Camp 2020 and our Anti-Racism series.
Click this icon to join the Camp Aldersgate RI Alumni & Supporters Group. We will post some updates here but it's mostly a place for alumni to reconnect and share memories and photos of their time at Aldersgate.
Click this icon to update your contact info. Need to change your mailing address, email address, or phone number. Click the envelope to email us your new info!
Feel free to reach out to us at any time with questions or to share your Aldersgate memories! - Blessings, The Aldersgate Staff